The data submission deadline has passed.

 Site Survey Data Bank

The Site Survey Data Bank (SSDB) is a long-term repository for data submitted in support of International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) proposals and expeditions. Using tools available in the SSDB, proponents submit digital files (data, images, or documents) for evaluation by reviewers, who make recommendations to IODP through the scientific advisory panels. Data submission deadlines are posted on the SSDB home page and are typically one month after proposal deadlines. Many of the digital files in the SSDB are available for public access, although any proprietary hold requirements specified by proponents are strictly enforced. As proposals evolve into funded expeditions, the SSDB also provides expedition packages of files to support drilling operations and scientific analysis. For further information on IODP science and the proposal process, please visit the IODP website.

 Who We Are

SSDB is run by the IODP Science Support Office at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. For more information, please see our Science Support Office page.

 Contact Information

The best way to reach SSDB staff is through the contact form, which is also linked at the top of most pages. This form sends a group email that reaches the entire team and will ensure the most prompt reply.