The data submission deadline has passed.

 Common Problems to Avoid


  • Include all files that are still relevant in your current package, not just the new files
  • Include a separate navigation file for each SEGY
  • Avoid nonstandard SEGY headers, or upload a header description document
  • Ensure Shot Points/CDPs/CMPs are consistent
  • Provide complete metadata
  • Include a name, not just an institution, in the Data Owner field
  • Don’t include ReadMe or other texty files; files should be self-describing
  • Use the navigation buttons, and avoid the back button, in SSDB


  • Use decimal degrees latitude and longitude in metadata and within files: -90 to 90 lat and -180 to 180 lon, WGS84 georeferencing
  • Double check lat/lons, especially the sign
  • Use appropriate geospatial referencing (e.g., line for SEGY data, bounding box for maps).