The data submission deadline has passed.

 Legacy Data Search

This interface searches thousands of physical objects, digital files and supporting information that were contributed to the SSDB before 2005, when the SSDB digital library was launched.

Step 1: Click to select the collection of interest
Step 2: Select a proposal/leg number and/or a data type of interest

Legacy SSDB physical object search:
More than 18,000 physical objects, including maps, seismic sections, reports and photographs, are stored in the archive space of the Geological Data Center at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. If this search reveals objects of interest to the user, they may contact us regarding access. Materials from the SSDB physical collection are currently being de-accessioned and may no longer be available.

Proposal:  .
Sitename: .
Data type: .
Notes:        .
Id:               .

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